Canadian Biomaterials Society
Société Canadienne des Biomatériaux

Society News

AGM 2024 Details

2024-05-28 09:57:03 by Todd Hoare

Dear friends - here are the final details for the upcoming hybrid CBS Annual General Meeting:

In-person: May 29, 2024, 8:30 AM KST  in room 504 of EXCO Center

Online:  May 28, 2024, 7:30 PM EDT at Zoom link

Agenda:  2024 Canadian Biomaterials Society Annual General Meeting Agenda

Previous AGM minutes (to approve): Minutes - 2023 CBS Annual General Meeting

Hope to see many of you soon!

CBS Board of Directors

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Biomaterial Highlight Of The Month

Laser-Generated Silica Nanofibers Embedded with Electrospun Gold Nanoparticles: A Novel Platform for Biocompatible Sensing Devices

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