A special CBS2025 opportunity for ECR faculty members!
by Lindsay Fitzpatrick
Calling all ECR Faculty Members for Keynote Presentation Opportunities Dear CBS Members, A feature of CBS2025 will be presentations from current Early Career Researcher ECR faculty member highlighting their expertise and new research...
CBS2025 Final Abstract Submission Deadline Extension
CBS2025 abstract submission deadline is extended until February 7th We know it is a busy time of year and so we are happy to announce that the CBS 2025 abstract submission deadline for the 39th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Biomaterial Society has been extended until February 7th, 2025 please note that this will be the last extension The CBS2025 Organizing Committee invites you to submit your abstracts related to biomaterials research through the Oxford Abstracts submission portal...
Atherosclerotic vascular disease, including peripheral arterial disease PAD , is the leading cause of mortality in North America and Europe, with PAD accounting for 1 5 of all vascular disease...
Phospholipids containing phosphatidyl choline PC as a headgroup in cell membranes are proved to exist in all eukaryotic cells and at least 10 of all bacteria...
Following cataract surgery, 20- 40 of patients experience reduced or afflicted vision via the development of posterior capsule opacification PCO , or secondary cataracts 1 ...
Light wood - lysozyme natural anti-infection material and its effects on wound healing
objective using the delignification technology to deal with light wood, again USES the dopamine glue method combined with different concentrations of lysozyme, the preparation of light wood - lysozyme natural anti-infection dressings, and study the in vitro antibacterial activity and the effects on wound healing...
Subtractive manufacturing with swelling induced stochastic folding of sacrificial materials for fabricating complex perfusable tissues in multi-well plates