Canadian Biomaterials Society
Société Canadienne des Biomatériaux

Society News

CBS2025 Early-Bird Registration Deadline Tomorrow!

2025-02-27 09:34:55 by

Dear CBS Member,

This is a reminder that the early bird registration deadline for CBS2025 is tomorrow (Feb 28th, 2025)! Registrations can be made through the link on the CBS2025 website or directly through the link below:

Click here to register!

Please note the CBS2025 Abstract Decisions were released earlier this week, and we have now released all the Travel Award notifications and ECR Invitations. If you or your trainee has not received an email notification, please check the email that was used to submit the abstract in the Oxford Abstract platform. We noted many abstracts were associated with non-institutional emails (i.e. gmail), and this the account to which the notifications for both abstract and travel award decisions would have been sent. As always, please check your spam folder too, incase the email was filtered.

For abstract decisions, it is also possible view the decision in Oxford Abstract by loging into your account and viewing your submission.

Please contact for any questions, or check the conference website FAQ.


The CBS2025 Organizing Committee

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