Canadian Biomaterials Society
Société Canadienne des Biomatériaux

Society News

Nominations for CBS Board of Directors

2015-05-20 09:13:41 by Todd Hoare

The Canadian Biomaterials Society invites nominations for several important positions within the CBS Board of Directors, as well as associated with the International Union of Societies for Biomaterials Science and Engineering (IUS-BSE).
For the CBS Board, nominations are being sought for the position of President-Elect, one Senior Board Member (2015-2017 term), and one Student Board Representative (2015-2016 term). Nominations will be accepted by email before the Annual General Meeting (AGM) during the CBS conference next week in Toronto and in person at the AGM, to be held on Thursday May 28, 2015, as indicated in the conference program.
If you are a current member and would like to nominate someone for the President-Elect, Senior or Student Board of Director positions in advance of the AGM, please send an email to indicating your support for their nomination, including the nominee's full name and email address. Please note the requirements for these positions are detailed below.
The nominations process will close at the AGM. All nominees will be contacted to verify their acceptance of the nomination and subsequently, all CBS members will be sent detailed information for the online general election.
For your reference, the following Senior Members of the Board will be continuing for the next year:
Todd Hoare (McMaster University)
Brian Amsden (Queen's University)
Eli Sone (University of Toronto)
Malcolm Xing (University of Manitoba)
As indicated above, CBS also has the opportunity to nominate potential candidates to serve as the President and Secretary of the International Union of Societies for Biomaterials Science and Engineering. Nominations for the IUS-BSE positions will also be accepted by email in advance of the AGM and in person at the AGM, after which there will be no further consideration of nominations. Based on the accepted nominations, the CBS Board will vote to put forward a maximum of one candidate for each position.
We look forward to seeing you next week in Toronto for a great conference!
Lauren Flynn
CBS President-Elect, 2014-2015
On Behalf of the CBS Board of Directors

Requirements for holding the President position or a position on the Board of Directors (BoD):

  1. BoD Members (including the President) must be individuals, 18 years of age, with power under law to contract.
  2. BoD Members (including the President) must be current CBS members.
  3. The President shall be elected for a term of 3 years, including one year as President-Elect (2015-2016), one year as President (2016-2017), and one year as Past-President (2017-2018).
  4. Senior BoD Members shall be elected for a minimum term of 2 years. Therefore, members having their term finishing this year (2015) can be re-nominated and elected for a new term of 2 years (2015-2017).
  5. The student BoD Representative shall be elected for a minimum term of 1 year. Therefore, the current member can be re-nominated and elected for a new term of 1 year (2015-2016).
  6. The President and Senior BoD positions are reserved for Faculty Members (tenured, tenure-track or others). Trainees (i.e., PDFs, RAs, Graduate and Undergraduate Students) are ineligible for senior BoD positions.
  7. The Student BoD Representative is reserved for graduate students that meet the conditions set out above.
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