Canadian Biomaterials Society
Société Canadienne des Biomatériaux

Biomaterials Awards
CBS Service Award

The objective of the CBS Service Award is to honour a CBS member who has made significant service contributions to the CBS community in promoting the development of biomaterials science, technology, and education in Canadian universities, industry, and government.

  • Applicant Criteria: Individual who has made outstanding contributions to the development and/or leadership of the Canadian Biomaterials Society
  • Frequency: Case-by-case basis, as frequently as once per year at the CBS Annual Meeting
  • Recipient will receive: $1000 award from CBS, certificate
  • Nominations Process: Candidates will be nominated by the CBS Board of Directors and the current IUS-BSE Representatives based on their record of service contributions to the Society.
  • Selection Process: The Awards Selection Committee will be chaired by the CBS President and made up of all elected senior members of the CBS Board of Directors, including the President-Elect and Past President, and the current IUS-BSE Representatives. The awardee will be selected from nominations put forward by the CBS Board of Directors and the current IUS-BSE Representatives. If a member of the Awards Selection Committee is nominated for an award, he/she will not participate in the adjudication of that specific award. All decisions will be made by majority vote, with the Chair of the Committee voting only in the event of a tie.

Current Award Winners

35th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Biomaterials Society

Past Award Winners

  • Rosalind Labow (University of Ottawa)
  • Paul J Santerre (University of Toronto)
    Dr. Paul Santerre is the 2016 recipient of the CBS Service Award. Paul has been a highly active member of the CBS for many years, and is always an engaged participant in the CBS Annual Meetings. He has been a strong advocate for the Canadian biomaterials research community and has served as both a CBS Board Member and the President. As the President and Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee, Paul is playing a major role in organizing the WBC 2016 in Montreal, which will help to showcase Canadian biomaterials research to the world. He was also the lead organizer for two previous CBS meetings in Toronto, as well as being involved in the organization of the WBC 1996 in Toronto. As an elected Fellow of Biomaterials Science and Engineering, Paul is actively engaged as a Canadian representative in the international community. Further, he has been an outstanding mentor to a large number of trainees, and is highly supportive of young researchers. In addition to his academic roles, Paul has been contributing to the advancement of commercialization of biomedical technologies in Canada through his involvement with his spin-off company Interface Biologics. His success in this area helps to promote awareness and foster an environment within the Canadian community that is more supportive of IP development and commercialization activities.

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Biomaterial Highlight Of The Month

Free Standing Cell Sheet Assembled with Ultrathin Extracellular Matrix as an Innovative Approach for Biomimetic Tissues

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