Canadian Biomaterials Society
Société Canadienne des Biomatériaux

Biomaterials Awards
WBC 2016 Legacy Postdoctoral Experience Award

Award Deadline: 2025-01-31

This award was created in recognition of a generous donation by 10e Congres Mondial des Biomateriaux 2016 Montreal Inc. The WBC2016 held in Montreal Canada in May 2016 was a significant achievement led by members of the Biomaterials community in Canada and supported by the international community of biomaterial sciences and engineering, and resulted in hosting the world's largest ever gathering of biomaterials and tissue engineering scientists in a single venue. The event generated revenue which has enabled the Congress organizers to use for furthering the mission of its mandate by assisting postdoctoral candidates to discover the cultural and deep scientific content of Canada's biomaterials community. The organizers of the WBC2016 meeting wished to continue the legacy of the WBC2016 in Canada over 10 to 15 years by promoting the exchange of scientific, engineering- and health science-related knowledge pertaining to the field of biomaterials by funding postdoctoral trainees to travel to other Canadian universities rather than their home University in Canada, in order to expand their familiarity with the broader CBS community.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  • Award nominees must be international trainees formally registered full time in a postdoctoral program and be in good standing in their program at their Canadian University at the time of application. Evidence of registration must be provided in the application (e.g., a copy of the formal letter of offer from the University). Priority will be given to international trainees. However, if no international postdoctoral fellows apply, consideration will be extended to domestic postdoctoral fellows as well.
  • Applicants may not receive awards over multiple years but may apply more than once if they are not successful in a previous attempt.
  • Candidates must be undertaking a biomaterials-related program of study and their supervisors must attest to this. The application must include a 2-page description of the plan of travel and what will be accomplished during the travel (which labs will be visited, for how long, if they will meet faculty and students, if they will give a lecture and/or learn a new technique, if it will result in collaboration between their home and visiting-laboratory supervisors, etc.)
  • The successful candidate will have a strong academic record, will be a published author in the biomaterials-related fields of study, and be making good progress in their postdoctoral research program, as demonstrated by academic records, letters of recommendation from their home supervisor and the host supervisor, and other measures of scholarship.
  • The candidate, the home and the host supervisors must be CBS members.
  • The Committee will also give consideration to the candidate's leadership within the Canadian Biomaterials Society and/or affiliated student chapters.
  • In the application cover letter, the candidate must explicitly state that they will provide the CBS with a 1 to 2 page report on their travel experience during the tenure of the award and potentially give a talk on their experience at the following Annual Meeting of the Canadian Biomaterials Society.

Application Procedure

Applicants will submit the application form along with the supplementary materials, including a C.V., letter of support from their supervisor, and a letter of support from their expected supervisor at the host institution to the Canadian Biomaterials Society awards committee prior to the application deadline.

Applications will be reviewed by the Canadian Biomaterials Society awards committee who will select the award recipient based on the following weightings:

  • 50% - quality of candidate based on CV;
  • 40% - quality of the proposed travel plan;
  • 10% - past service and planned activities with the Canadian Biomaterials Society.

To apply, the applicants should merge the application form and all supplementary materials into a single PDF document and attach their file in an e-mail to the CBS secretary prior to the deadline. The  Award recipient will be announced both on this website as well as at the CBS Annual Meeting.

Current Award Winners


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