Canadian Biomaterials Society
La Société Canadienne des Biomatériaux

Biomaterials Awards
CBS Merit & Travel Award

Award Deadline: 2026-01-31

No application is required for CBS2025. All trainees who submit an abstract and are members of the CBS can indicate on their submission form that they wish to be considered for this award.

Tentative Award Notification: 2024-02-25

This award will support travel costs associated with the participation of trainees to a CBS annual meeting or a World Biomaterials Congress. 
Eligibility and Selection Criteria
•    Applicants must be registered full-time in an undergraduate, graduate, or postdoctoral program and be in good standing in their program at a Canadian university at the time of submitting their abstract to the meeting.
•    Applicants must submit an abstract to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Biomaterials Society (or to the World Biomaterials Congress) and be a member of the Canadian Biomaterials Society at the time of the abstract submission.
•    Applicants may apply and receive awards over multiple years but only one award per year.
•    Awardees will be selected by the Awards Committee and based on the quality of abstracts. 
Application Procedure
•    For non-WBC years, all abstracts submitted by CBS trainees member will automatically be considered for CBS Merit and Travel awards (no application required)
•    For WBC years, applicants are asked to please complete the application form and submit the application form and abstracts via email to CBS secretary

Current Award Winners


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Biomaterial Highlight Of The Month

Phosphonium Containing Hydrogels for Controlled Drug Delivery

Elizabeth Gillies
Tristan Harrison

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